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Utility Module

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Utility Module is Din rail Mountable. It has provision of connection of front & rear Tube lights & fans. Separate Connection for 110VAC Fans. ON/OFF Control & fuse protection for Tubes & fans. Universal Utility Socket with Rocker switch with inbuilt indication.

Component Specification
One Incoming & two Outgoing Terminals for connection of front & rear Tube light.
One Incoming & two outgoing terminal for connection of front & rear fan.
Two Spare Terminals to take IN & OUT.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Analog Input Field Interface Module With Channel To Channel, Analog Input Field Interface Module With Fuse And Fuse Fail L. E. D Indication, Analog Input Field Interface Module With Fuse And Surge Protection, Analog Input Redundant Passive Interface Module, Digital Input Field Interface Module With Fuse And L. . Ed Indication, Digital Input Interface Module With Fuse And Common Fuse Fail Alarm Contact, Digital Input Interface Module With Fuse And Wire Break, Digital Input Interface Module With Opto, Digital Input Interface Module With Slim Relays, Diode Oring Module For S. M. P. S Redundancy, Fan Failure Module, Hart Patch Cards And Cables Harness, Interface Module With Option Of Fuse, P. L. C Wiring Solutions (Interfast), Packers And Movers, Passive Interface Modules, Pin Honda Modules For Robot Interfacing, Power Distribution Module, Products, Pulse Generator, Relay Interfacing Modules, Round F. R. C Cable, S. T. P Cables, Utility Module